“History is the witness that testifies to the passing of time; it illuminates reality, vitalizes memory, provides guidance in daily life, and brings us tidings of antiquity.”

– Marcus T. Cicero

To me it has seemed that the past month or two has been more notable for its lack of drama than anything else. When one is content and everything is going well, I suppose that is for the best. Life has been simpler lately: boiled down to a short list of priorities

  • watch Miranda grow
  • watch grass grow
  • eventually put finishing touches on basement
  • go to work
  • stay active

There are lots of little milestones to celebrate, but nothing dramatically good or bad.

Tomorrow marks just such a milestone: we’ve been in our house for one year. It doesn’t really seem that long; the time has gone quickly. Only six more months and we will have been there longer than we were in the townhouse in P.G. The time in the townhouse seems much longer for some reason.


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