1. By the time Nana was 9 we had moved 7 times. Started in Hope, then to an apartment in Chilliwack, then to a house in Chilliwack on 3rd Ave., then a short stay in Vernon for my Mom’s health; then back to Cultus Lake – a rented house until the house they bought in Chilliwack on 5th Ave. was vacated. Then we moved to Cultus Lake to a house my Mom & Dad purchased on Willow St. We then lived there for 8 years and then moved back to Chilliwack on Lewis Ave. There was one more move to Princess Ave. before I was 17. I moved to 409 Ash St. in New Westminster when I married Grandpa.
    ‘Guess that’s why we have lived in this house so long = 43 years this coming Christmas!!
    You’re going to love it in your new place. It might take a short while to get used to the new routine, but you’ll make lots of new friends.
    Remember we love you Miranda. Much love from Nana and Grandpa

  2. Perhaps I should explain that my Mom & Dad used to buy a house that needed some work done to it. They would fix it up and put in a lovely garden and then sell the house. It was a way of making a little money. The term the reality people use for that is now called "sweat-equity"!

  3. Miranda, some more information from Grandpa this time. I was born in Vancouver, but do not remember this time or move from there to Yarrow. Memories of moving to farm in Chilliwack at 565 Castleman Road I do remember.Lived there until I was 19.
    My dad then sold the farm and we moved to Carlton St. in Chilliwack.A little later I was in Ocean Falls,working. Came back to Chilliwack,lived on Broadway St. Till my mom and dad finished building their new house on Wells st.
    I started to go with Nana "Judy-Lynn" and got a job in Vancouver at Standard Oil refinery.
    Then Nana and I got married and we lived in New Westminster..See Nana’s write up for rest of history.

  4. Our stay here in Sooke is the longest Tammy and I have been in the same place, and the longest Tammy has been in the same place, period. I, of course, had a record of 21 years in one place before I moved to Ucluelet, but after that it was a year back in Victoria, then five and a half in Prince George (three moves there: Skinner St, 15th Ave and Richet St.), then back to Victoria and three years living on the Gorge. Now, it’s been 10 years (short a week, but who’s counting?) on Amethyst. Tammy was expecting when we signed the papers to buy it, and now Miranda’s over 9 years old.

    I asked Tammy last night how long she thought we’d be in our new house in Calgary, and she didn’t know, but with the location being so good for work and school, we can’t see what might stop us from being there a while. It’s more likely that my work will take us somewhere else and we can’t foresee that now.

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