Life goes on, and tonight Ian made his first consonant sound: Tammy and I were on the bed reading with him between us muttering away, when he started going “mumm mumm mumm”. I didn’t notice at first, but Tammy pointed it out and he kept doing it. 🙂

Tonight we had a wonderful dinner at Mom and Dad’s. Stephanie, Evan and Zachary were there too (gosh, I hadn’t seen them in a while) and it was lots of fun. Miranda and Zachary are definitely starting to play together rather than in parallel. Dinner was a pork roast with lots of great fixin’s. The invitation to dinner happened before the events of yesterday, but it was a nice way to enjoy an evening surrounded by family. Thanks for the dinner, Mom and Dad. I know it was a lot of work.

I also wanted to post that Ian has had three days now of relative relief from his colic. Have we turned the corner? On Friday night, I managed to sit with him for probably more than an hour in the recliner in the living room. Just sitting and watching the hockey game with him happy in my arms. It was great.