NaNoWriMo – Broken Through 10,000 Words

In one of the more surprising turns of events in the last while, both Tammy and I are actually succeeding at staying on pace in the 2008 National Novel Writing Month. You can keep track of our progress to 50,000 in the sidebar of the page.

Actually, I’m surprised for a couple of reasons:

  1. I actually came up with a story idea that caught my interest. Okay, so it was October 31st that I thought of it, so I had no time to plan it out before the contest started, but it has kept me going.
  2. Tammy’s kept up. In fact as of this morning, she’s ahead by a hundred words. That’s not patronizing, because as anyone knows, she’s the linguist and is much more widely read than me. It’s that this week she discovered that she writes better with pen and paper, and therefore is writing everything twice: on paper, then transcribing. If anything, that makes me look pathetic. 😉

It has been an interesting experience. 1,667 words isn’t much to type per day. As long as you stick to the spirit of the competition, that is. If you stop to edit or polish each sentence until it’s brilliant, you’ll never do it. The point is to get a first draft done. Editing’s for December.

And with the way my story’s turning out, I might actually do that.


  1. I’ll fall behind tonight given that’s hockey (I leave at 9). I don’t get much of a chance to write more than 300 words during the day, so from 8-10 pm is my usual prime writing time. I might feel inspired after hockey, but I won’t hold my breath.

  2. Ok, never mind. I just found out hockey was cancelled for some reason. I guess I can carry on writing as normal this eve.
    I’ll have to open my hockey bag. It has been 2 weeks since I closed it up. Aaack! 😀

  3. Here’s the beauty of it: if I run out of ideas, I’ll suddenly kill off the main character and turn it into one! 😉

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