New Mattresses for the Kids

Fact #1: Ian has outgrown a twin mattress. Considering he’s around 5’9″ or 5’10”, he’s probably well past due for a bigger bed.

Fact #2: Miranda has had the same mattress for a long time. Probably since she was about five and it wasn’t a top-flight mattress, either.

So tonight we went over to Sleep Country and got the kids to lie down on a bunch of different mattresses. The only sales guy there was Alfonso, and he was already helping a pair of couples when we came in. So we had lots of time to ourselves, and the kids didn’t need to feel too self-conscious with a salesperson hovering. They both ended up liking a “medium” mattress, but the interesting thing is that Miranda liked the memory foam one, and Ian liked the pocket coil. Tammy also got in on the action and got herself a nice pillow. Actually a couple of pillows, because they were BOGO. She sleeps on her front a lot, and this pillow should be comfortable for her.

I liked this really cool mattress and pillow called Purple. It was comfortable, but it also was “dynamic”. When you moved, it seemed to move with you. It’s hard to explain.

The next steps:

  • Clear out garage: Tammy’s been doing this, getting the bottles recycled, electronics, and taking stuff to Value Village.
  • Clean out garage: the weather should be nice this weekend. Going to wash the garage out and dry it.
  • Deconstruct Ian’s bed: will have to break it down into its parts and then get it down to the garage without smashing anything.
  • See about Ian’s shelves and desk: losing the loft bed means a lot of lost shelf and desk space. Maybe he can use his old desk?
  • Wait for the new mattresses to arrive.

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