New Shaver

Okay, maybe it’s not big news, but considering it’s my first new shaver since February 2007, I thought I’d post it. It’s a Philips Series 5000 Shaver with rotary heads. To say it’s a step up from my old one is an understatement. Its battery had stopped working years ago and even when plugged in it was wavering. The only reason it was sticking around was because I only used it for travel. I’d switched to using a safety razor years ago and just took the old shaver when I was on the road, and that disappeared through COVID, too.

But I’ve started to get the odd skin bump. They’d been in non-shaving areas to this point (I’ve been to a dermatologist – they’re fine) but two popped up in quick succession on my cheek and below my sideburn. I’ve nicked them a few times and was getting tired of it. I’ve got an appointment to see the doc in September and I’ll get a referral to a dermatologist, but in the meantime I’m going to save some blood and use a shaver for a bit.

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