On Vacation, Cue Illness

I chose to take this week off from work. It was the second of the two weeks that Tammy got between her teaching terms. An opportunity for us to spend some time together. Some relaxation, some productivity was the plan. It started okay, but then on Monday morning I woke up with a cough. It wasn’t bad, and we were able to keep our appointments with AMA and Hub for insurance renewal. I did a COVID swab, but it was negative. Tuesday it was worse, but still not debilitating. I even had a good sleep. It was bad enough that we rescheduled our meeting with Heather from Primerica to be virtual instead of in-person. By nighttime it was bad enough that Tammy beat the rush and set up a bed for herself on the couch. It’ll be the same tonight. I don’t know what this is, but I hope it gets better.

In other news, I broke down and paid for a month of Sportsnet Plus (Internet streaming) to be able to watch the NHL playoffs. Therefore, the Canucks lost game 5 against the Predators. I apologize for that.

Miranda’s off on her Ireland trip Friday. So excited for her!