Playground Fiasco

Today I was pulled out of class to take a call from my children’s school. Of course, we all now that when they call it’s never good. It turned out that Ian was climbing the rope ladder and someone suggested he jump off (insert eyes rolling emoticon here). So, he did and landed awkwardly. He was carried into the first aid room where they elevated his left foot and iced it. I got the call at 1.15 and was immediately out the door as soon as a sub could be found. (Thank you Kassian.) I didn’t get to the school until 2.40 – that’s how lousy the bus service is. (I can’t wait until the Tuscany station opens!)

I carried him to the car and drove him to the doctor’s. I was lucky enough to get an appointment last minute. She looked at his foot and was concerned that maybe the 5th metatarsal was fractured since he can’t flex the foot and there’s a lot of swelling. So we drove over to the Crowfoot X-Ray place and had one done. I was expecting to have an answer either way then, but the technician said they don’t have the jurisdiction to give that info even if the doctor’s say they can. I got a disc with his X-Ray on it in case it gets worse over night and we have to take him to Children’s Hospital. That way he won’t have another scan. I made an appointment to see another doctor tomorrow (ours doesn’t work Wednesdays). Meanwhile I’d been lugging this 55lb dead weight up/down stairs, in/out of the car, and in/out of buildings hoping I wouldn’t stumble and drop him. 😀

Miranda helped me carry him upstairs and prop him up in the bean bag chairs. I’ve given him Tylenol and an ice pack. Hopefully the pain and swelling will decrease enough for a night’s sleep.


  1. ‘Just read your posting. How is Ian doing? Remember to keep it elevated and iced. When is the doctors appointment? Keep us posted.

  2. He seems upbeat, but can’t put any pressure on his left foot. It’s elevated and being iced. I’m hoping it isn’t a break. Miranda and I have been carrying him to and fro the bathroom and up/down the stairs. 😀
    The appt is at 10.40. Boo!

  3. Crappy. Hope it is a sprain. Might be a stress fracture (hard to see on xrays). Let us know how he is! Boys….(rolling eyes)

  4. We loaded up the disc and were able to view the X-ray for ourselves last night. I am not a radiologist, but there definitely was no displacement of the bone. There was a fine white line that may or may not have been some sort of hairline crack, but I wouldn’t put money on it.

    He’s doing okay, at least from what I saw of him last night and this morning. I think he was thinking that he was "more like Daddy" now that he has had a hurt foot, too. I have to work on my parenting skills. 🙂

  5. Can you believe that we still don’t know?! It has been over 24h and still no feedback on the x-ray. This is bloody ridiculous and we can’t do a damn thing about it!

  6. Well, we finally just heard that it isn’t a brea, just soft tissue damage. Yay! He needs to wear shoes in the house and take Advil. Plus the icing and elevation treatment.

  7. Hi – I wrote something on here this morning – heaven only knows where it went.
    I’m glad it’s not a break. You know he could probably go up and down the stairs on his bum and not need to use the other foot at all.
    Hope everything goes well. ‘thoughts are with you.

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