Roller Hockey Team’s On A Roll

As you can see here, the Hub-a-Maniacs aren’t doing to shabbily this year. Tonight, we won our fifth game in a row 9-6, and now sit in 2nd place, at 8-3-1. The last two weeks we beat the #1 and the team that was the #2 team, so we’re feeling pretty good right now. The weird thing is that we’re playing in the bottom tier, but observing the other games in the other tiers above us seems to indicate that this “bottom” tier is actually full of guys who just want to play on Sunday nights, regardless of their skill level. Oh well, makes for a challenge. 🙂

So this shortened weekend was packed full. Shortened, because I put in a half-day’s work this morning. Saturday was waffles (thanks, Tammy!) followed by a bit of guitar practice and taking Miranda to karate. A picnic in the car at the beach followed (cool and windy) and then the rest of the afternoon was working in the yard. Tammy pitched in with mowing the back yard and helping with the weed whacking, and I managed to weed the front yard bark mulch slope up to Chris and Lorri’s yard. Pizza and a movie (The Golden Compass) and it was time to turn in.

This afternoon was “games afternoon” at Jeff and Sasha’s. Sasha was interested in trying out the A-maze-ing Labyrinth game that Miranda is enjoying playing these days. We ended up staying for supper, and Sasha taught us to play a card game that is popular in Russia. I can’t seem to remember the name right now. I got a chance to show Jeff my Robo Rally board game, and he was interested in playing it sometime! Yay! I never get to play it. 🙂

Tomorrow is into the office. Gotta do my expenses and then attend a meeting all afternoon. Come on, Canada Day!


  1. You’ve had a busy weekend! Dad has been busy too. He started on the lower "warf" sundeck – ripping off the old plywood, figuring out just what he needed in supplies after he could see what rot was beneath the surface. He bought 4 sheets of plywood, four 4×6 eight foot boards, nails, screws, deck coating [2 kinds – one with roughage in the mix and one top coat], 30 feet of wire netting 36" high. He has been shopping for the best prices for a few days in his "off" times. He took the plywood decking and the stairs off on Saturday. Monday he bought supplies and a drill [his old one is dead. Today he replaced the rotted 2×6 supports. Tomorrow is putting in the bracing and cleaning up the space under the deck as he is going to enclose it with the wire netting so as to keep the racoons and any rodent that might like to make a home under the deck. Next will be attaching the wire securely, then cutting and fitting the plywood will be on the next work day. The sealing of the seams, coating the deck, building new stairs and coating them. We will have a "deck launching" or a "deck unveiling" after that [or when he has finished our bottle of Advil –].
    By the way Tammy the Avon lady delivered the order.
    Love to you all and I hope you are well. –Picture of the day is good, but very serious.

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