Nights the last little while have been a bit broken. What with me having a lingering cough that seems to wake me up at some point each night, Tammy coming down with something two days ago, and Ian rolling around. Ian has mastered the skill of rolling from his back to his front, but not the other way. On the plus side, that means he doesn’t roll away; he only makes one roll and he hasn’t figured out crawling while on his belly.

On the negative side, that also means once he rolls over, he’s stuck. And depending on where he’s rolled to, that means he’ll probably get frustrated or in trouble. So when he rolls over in the night, it’s usually not too long before he starts crying instead of going back to sleep.

One Comment

  1. And me opening my big mouth… Last night when I was supposed to be watching him, Ian rolled right off the bed. No harm done, but he had a right good scream for a while. At least our bed is much closer to the ground than it was when Miranda did the same thing. 😉

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