Last night, and in fact all of yesterday, was rough. Miranda was fussy and crying all day. I passed up going to my martial arts class because I couldn’t go in good conscience after Tammy had been with Miranda all day in that state. The evening wasn’t much better, although she did calm down for a bit. Then when we wanted to go to bed, she started up again. The last I know, Tammy was with her in the living room, and that was about midnight. When I got up this morning at six, Tammy was asleep on the couch with Miranda in the bassinet beside her.

But to try to lighten the mood, here is a picture of her in a better humour:

Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty


  1. Actually it was well after 12:30. I was really at the end of my rope. We spent time in the nursery rocking in the chair and listening to the mobile while looking at fish. finally she went and stayed asleep until 7.

    The public health nurse called to see how we’re doing. She suggests I keep a food diary in case this keeps up. She said to use Ovol up to 6 times a day on gassy days and to cut out milk products completely for a month. She may be reacting to either lactose or milk protein. The lactose intolerance will go away in about a week, but the protein one can take a month. So, no tea, cereal, cheese for a while. I have to drink soy milk and eat soy cheese.

  2. Tammy I pitty you that you have to settle with soy milk and soy cheese as they don’t have the full flavor of regular milk and cheese. However my son at a early age was found to be lactose intolerant and eats both happy without complaint, of course now he’s grown out of it and has no problems with real milk and cheese. Sadly I still do but just keep them to very small amounts.

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