Scorching, Windy, and Le Pew

Yesterday was by far the hottest day we’ve had. It was at least 30 degrees and baking hot. I took my car into Canadian Tire for an oil change, new battery, brake inspection, and general overall inspection. I couldn’t face paying $1600 at VW this time. I may still have to go there because Canadian Tire doesn’t have a dedicated diesel mechanic. The kids and I rode down to their favourite playground and we stayed there for about an hour (actually I rode down then up Tuscany Hill for my fitness challenge while they played). After we came home I did another 30 minutes of strength training while the kids watched a movie. Simon was working from home, so he was in the stuffy bedroom that gradually became an oven. It’s amazing how quickly a place can heat up!
About 6 Simon rode off to meet up with his bicycle club. I don’t know how he did it. There would’ve been no way I could’ve ridden for 2 hours in that heat. Sepideh and Ilia arrived a ten after, so we managed to start tutoring early. Simon rolled home around 8.40. After his shower we set up the basement with the air mattress and sleeping bags for the kids, the futon for us, and the Apple TV and “TV” from our room. We were anticipating a sleepless night due to the heat, but then around 9 a huge wind storm blew out of nowhere. It was incredible – literally blow the man down. There was no rain, but it was so intense that it cooled off the top floor in no time. We left the kids sleeping in the basement and we were able to sleep in our room. Just as we were going to bed Simon calls out to come and see something. There was a family of 6 skunks frolicking around our back yard. The babies were full of beans. 😀 It was so cute. I’d never seen a real live skunk before. We’re not sure where they came from or went to. There’s no sign of them this morning, so maybe they were just passing through. We’ll have to keep an eye out just in case it’s a new infestation. 🙂


  1. What a strange day and evening that was. I’m hurting a bit today, but that’s mostly because my sleep was broken last night and my allergies are acting up. The ride was hot to start, but by the halfway point it was comfortable. I had two bottles of water with me and drank them both down, and drank two more after I got home. I was "in the zone" on the ride: MapMyRide informed me this morning that it was my second fastest climb up Tuscany Hill ever, and the faster riders did a two-lap "race" as part of the ride last night, and I came in second to my surprise. Not bad for an old guy on a Norco. 😉

    The family of skunks just were the cherry on top… that might not be the right metaphor. Too bad it was too dark to take a picture or video. They really were full of beans and playing games on our back lawn in the wind.

  2. It is going to be sunny & hot on Pender for the next two weeks…30 degrees this weekend.
    Le Pew family…:)

  3. Make sure there aren’t any places around for the skunks to call home and hope that they were just passing through! Yes, cute to look at but that is all!!!

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