Today, the weather hit a balmy 9 degrees. It was such a luxuriant feeling to drive down the highway with the windows opened a little on the car! 🙂 To celebrate, the whole family pitched in to clean the house up. Part of it was just the usual: dusting, vacuuming, mopping, etc. The other part was disimpacting the mess from the kids’ rooms. In all fairness, when the basement was being renovated, some of the stuff from the basement was moved to their rooms temporarily. However, that stuff never migrated back out again. Combine that with the usual toy detritus and their spaces were becoming more cluttered than was healthy.

Tammy took on the rooms, first Ian’s and then Miranda’s. Miranda’s isn’t finished quite yet, but they are both dramatically improved. We’ve got a whole pile of stuff to take to the Salvation Army. Even with those piles in the way, the house is much neater and more presentable.

In other news, we tried making candles out of old crayons this evening. They are setting on the stovetop now. We’ll see tomorrow morning how they turned out.

Miranda and the melting crayons
Miranda and the melting crayons

Cooling candles
Cooling candles

In other, other news the kids got wrapped up playing a new game called Monument Valley. It’s not a long game or an open-ended game like Minecraft; it’s a beautiful little puzzle game that has aspects of Escher to it.

Miranda playing Monument Valley
Miranda playing Monument Valley