Ten Years of ii News

Believe it or not, today marks ten years of this blog. It had humble beginnings, back in 2002, but with the arrival of Miranda and Ian, we certainly haven’t had any shortage of things to write about. For the first seven months, it was more of a web programming exercise for me, with a completely custom way to add information to it. Then I moved it to an existing content management system and have used it and its subsequent versions since. Looking back, I am so glad that we’ve done it. It has chronicled so much, with 1882 news items so far, counting this.

To celebrate the milestone, I have gotten a proper domain name. I suppose it’s not just a passing fancy, and worth the money. 🙂 So, while ii.homeip.net still works and will continue to work, ii News can now be found at www.biickert.ca.

Also, I would be remiss if I didn’t echo the sentiments of that first ii News post from 2002: Happy Birthday, Dad! 😉

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