The night of lost and found things

Had a couple of things go missing tonight, and we’re thankful that they showed up again after a search. The first was Nochie. Since Mr. Doos passed on, we’ve not been quite as diligent about keeping our doors closed on the house. Nochie and Squeak have shown remarkably little interest in leaving the house, whereas Mr. Doos always seemed ready to bolt, something which would have given Tammy conniptions. Now Ian has the ability to open the balcony doors, they will remain open and unnoticed sometimes for hours on end, but the cats have been on good behaviour and it hasn’t come to anything. That streak ended this afternoon. In the early afternoon, Tammy and I saw Nochie sitting in our window, keeping an eye on Zora, the cat from next door, who was sunning herself on our back stairs. The next part of the puzzle was Ian opening the balcony door in the afternoon. The last part was Nochie not turning up for suppertime. We searched the house high and low without luck. Cats are good at hiding, so it wasn’t any cause for panic, but the search started to turn outside. In the end, I found her under the neighbour’s back deck, sitting with Zora. (Zora’s “brother” Jelly Bean died last week — possibly Zora was glad for the company) We hustled Nochie back inside, but now we’ve put her collar back on her.

The second lost thing was Ian’s Lightning McQueen die cast car. He carries it around everywhere with him, and after we got back from the park this evening, he was badgering Tammy: “Mummy where Queen car?” over and over again. So we all dropped what we were doing and searched the house for the car. Tammy finally turned it up in his sock drawer (where he’d gotten himself a pair of socks to go to the park).

So all’s well that ends well. And speaking of ending, my vacation’s over. Off to work (downstairs) tomorrow. 🙂

One Comment

  1. Yet he seems to have "lost" McQueen again. At least we know it’s still in the house somewhere. 🙂

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