The Weather is Nice

Sorry, but that’s about all I really have to post about at the moment. 🙂 The weather is definitely autumnish, with temperatures down in the low single-digits in the morning, but the afternoons are sunny and mid-teens. Heck, when I went to see the doctor yesterday, I wore shorts and a golf shirt.

Doctor? Yes, I had to see the doc. Last Wednesday, I was sitting down when suddenly my left knee seized. I wasn’t sure exactly what happened, but it felt like when a tendon gets hung up, but it remained sore for days. Tammy made an appointment (we didn’t think it was another DVT, but it doesn’t hurt to talk to the doctor) and of course it cleared up a couple days before the appointment. There’s still a slight “bruised” feeling, but it’s definitely healing. Nevertheless, the doctor was concerned, so now I have to get an ultrasound. And since I was in her office, she got on my to get a complete physical, kicking off with some blood work. <sigh>

Oh well, at least I’m in pretty good condition right now and am down to 225ish pounds. I was over 250 in March.