Tornado North of Us

And other news.

Today, when Tammy was driving us home after shopping and the BCC ride, we saw a really big storm cloud north of town.

Picture of the storm through the windscreen

At the time, I estimated that it was heading west to east towards Airdrie. Tammy was worried that it was coming our way. It turns out I was wrong: the storm was bigger than it looked, and was around Didsbury, 82 km north of us. Then tonight, I found news reports that a tornado had spawned in the storm.

Far enough that it wasn’t a worry, but that storm could have formed just about anywhere.

In other news:

Yesterday, the kids and I walked out and took the C-Train to near where Tammy works. We met up with her at Righteous Gelato, one of the local creameries vying to be the winners of the 2023 ScoopFest. We all tried something different. Tammy had bourbon peach pie gelato, I had a dark chocolate and peanut gelato, Ian had strawberry rhubarb sorbet, and Miranda had lemon curd gelato. We sat outside at a picnic table and watched a storm roll past downtown. There have been a lot of storms lately, either cancelling or threatening to cancel BCC rides.

Heading to the train

On Monday night and Thursday night, there were storms that rolled through just before BCC ride time, but we persevered and were rewarded with beautiful rides. Here are a few pics.

Today, Ian and I rode over 100 km in the Saturday morning ride. It was hot, but we made it. All in the name of getting ready for the Badlands Gran Fondo next weekend.

Tammy exercised her baking skills again today. Cherry doughnut holes and Rice Krispie squares.

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