Update from Montreal

Due to accidents and traffic on the highway, the group missed their original flight. TMC issued the following email:


Students will be delayed in their return from Montreal tonight.  There were two accidents on the highway getting to the Montreal airport this evening and despite their plan to have more than  two hours to spare, our group did not make it on their originally scheduled flight out of Montreal.  

Adjustments were quickly made to the return flight to Calgary.  Students were broken into two groups and will be on two different  flights from Montreal to Toronto, both leaving Montreal at approximately 8 pm local time and arriving in Toronto at 9:25 pm local time.  One group is with Mr. Brayton and Ms. Walsh and the other group is with Ms. Coles and Ms. Hierons.  They will regroup in Toronto and will all travel from Toronto to Calgary on Westjet Flight 675.  This flight is expected to arrive in Calgary at 12:25 am.  

You will receive a phone call from one of the TMC staff shortly confirming that you have received this message.

(Bad news which gets worse – due to the tight rescheduling they may not get a chance to grab supper and, of course, no kid has a credit card to buy something in flight.)

12:25 am!   Her first experience on a red eye flight. 😄  Now Simon and I have to flip a coin to see who goes and gets her. 🎲

Updated Saturday morning by Simon

Miranda is still in Montreal. The storm that blew through southern Ontario cancelled flights and she and her group stayed in Laval last night and will be flying back to Calgary sometime today. We still don’t have the official flight information.

The group will be staying at a hotel in Laval, Quebec tonight so you do not need to go to the Calgary airport tonight.

The tour company has arranged for a bus to pick up the group at the Montreal airport and take them to the hotel.  They are still working on flight arrangements for tomorrow.  We will know more in the next couple of hours about the flight arrangements home.  When I know more, I will send out another message like this, either later this evening or  tomorrow morning.

The teachers will ensure that the students have the money that they need for food and other incidentals.

Updated again by Simon

We now know what Miranda’s travel arrangements look like, and she will be home two days later than expected.

Good morning!

Thanks for your patience as the TMC staff worked to get the flights home sorted out.  They will be staying one more night in Montreal!  They are staying at the same hotel as last night, St. Martin in Laval.  They had breakfast in the hotel and the teachers have sorted out activities for today.  The plan is to have pizza for lunch and they have dinner reservations.

As there is not one flight tomorrow that can accommodate the whole group, the students and staff will be coming home in two groups tomorrow.  Both Westjet flights are direct from Montreal to Calgary.  One flight leaves Montreal at 12:45 pm tomorrow (Sunday) and the other leaves Montreal at 6pm tomorrow (Sunday).  The group that has the day in Montreal tomorrow has plans for the day

I just spoke to Miranda on the phone, and she is on the later of the two flights tomorrow. So today the whole group is going to a bug zoo, and perhaps to a movie tonight. (Infinity War?) Tomorrow it’s a science centre and then she’ll be on her way.

She sounded good. Trying to figure out which of her clothes are the least dirty… 👃🔜🤮

Last Update

Miranda should be back by 8:30 tonight.

The second group is through security in Montreal and at the gate.  At this point, the flight is leaving on time.  Please check arrivals with Westjet before heading to the airport in case this changes.

Have a good rest of your Sunday!

Okay, really the last update

She’s home! 🏡


  1. What would a cross-country field trip be without some drama?!?! Late night for me tonight.

  2. Quite the adventure getting home!
    How was it for you? Miranda…will you do a post on your trip?

    1. It was lots of fun. I’d like to go again and have more freedom to explore other parts of Quebec City. As for a post I’m working on it right now. I didn’t have time last night.

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