Victoria + Winter = Rain

In a few minutes, I am going to pick up my umbrella and head off to work. It is pouring today. The temperature is around 7°C and the sky is grey. It is everything I hate about winter in Victoria. When we moved here from Prince George, I dreaded days like this. For the uninitiated, winter in PG is usually sunny and cold. Whatever snow falls, stays. The sunniness meant relief from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), even if the days are very short.

In the three “winters” since moving here, we have seen two small dustings of snow that have evaporated within hours of falling. This Friday, we’re heading up-island to Mt. Washington to do some snowboarding on real snow! I’m really looking forward to getting a dose of white, even if it is heavy, wet coastal snow.


Now it looks like all of Canada is in a deep-freeze today. Most of British Columbia is getting pasted with snow. And Victoria? Should be setting a record high of +12°C today. ARGH!