Excuse my language.

Last week I returned 2 books and checked out another from our local library. Yesterday I checked to see if any of the ones I requested had come in or were in transit. I notice I had 5 books under Checked Out. Upon closer inspection the 2 I returned last week are still listed as being checked out to me. (I know I returned them because I did my usual neurotic check to see if I had left any papers in them.) I called the library and the librarian did a shelf check. They weren’t there.

The possible explanations for the books being missing:

  • someone picked them up off the check in counter before they were scanned in as returned
  • they went back to main branch to be checked in (which means a longer time to update status)
  • they were misshelved

The librarian renewed them until early December in hopes that they’ll turn up/get checked out by someone else. I double-checked everywhere in here in case I’m in error. If by then they don’t surface, I have to pay for them. 😠 The librarian said “One I can understand, but two? It seems suspicious.” I can see their side of this, but there has to be recourse for honest borrowers who aren’t trying to pull a fast one. I’ve never had this happen to me before at any library. You better believe I’ll fight this one all I can.

Simon made a joke about borrowing which I thought would be a good idea: paying a deposit/rental fee for books. This would ensure that returned books are accounted for since the library would have to return money to the borrowers.

Next time I return a book I’m getting them to check it in right then and there. I don’t want any more books sprouting legs and wandering off only to be added to my bill.