WooHoo got a new phone!

For a couple months now I have been pining for a new phone. Smaller, faster…you know. Anyway I come home one day and there is Al with a big grin on his face. He got himself a new phone. The Samsung Galaxy S4. His term was almost up and his phone had been doing nothing but glitching and finally overheating. It was pretty big (you know, old fart like him needs to larger to see the screen lol) Anyway. couple days ago I finally was getting ready to go to Rogers and noticed my phone was overheating as well (same model as Al’s old one) so I said nuts to this and went right to Rogers. Looked around and noticed a Samsung S4 mini. Runs the Android that I know and it was smaller than what I had before, faster, newer…etc. Totally love it.
As you can see below the size difference between Al’s and mine


Takes lovely pics, even in low light. Only time will tell if it can last the long run. Oh did I mention the new plan they have out for this phone is cheaper than what I am paying and it includes more??? Cool

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