…tooth, that is. We were just hanging around the kitchen, Miranda leaning on the island, talking about using the gong on the iPod to toll the Charlotte’s Web chapter entitled Bad News when she suddenly started calling for me. She had somehow banged her mouth on the counter top and knocked out the other loose tooth. It’s almost as funny as the time Simon kneed out one of her teeth with a foot ride.


  1. We’ve been trying but cannot imagine how she would knock the tooth out on the counter!! It must have been really loose. I think Miranda wins the contest for the most bizarre ways to have her teeth removed…honestly!! Way to go Miranda!! Love, Nana & Grandpa

  2. Now the next step is being the Tooth Fairy without a tooth. Miranda dropped it down the drain when she was washing it off…

  3. Not to worry – the fairies KNOW! She could always leave a note!
    ‘Just read the question below – should I answer noche?

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