Crashing Ian, Fixed Screen Door

Last night was Ian’s first gravel ride with the BCC. As luck would have it, it was an almost identical route as my first BCC gravel ride, back in 2021.

He was doing amazing, until the last kilometre. There was some rutted dry mud and some soft mud and he dropped a tire into the muck.

He’s a bit bruised and bloodied, but still enthusiastic. The only damage to the bike was a bent derailleur hanger, which I got fixed at Bow Cycle today. Ian’s worst hurt was some sore ribs and bruises all over his left side.

In other, less painful news, I finally got around to fixing the screen door to the deck. I put it off for a long time, because I thought I’d have to measure the old one, go to a window place or Home Depot and have it made and delivered and installed. Turns out you buy a kit, build it and install it. The new one is nicer than the old one, with heavier duty frame and rollers. I cleaned out the track too, which helps. Ian gave me a hand and I only screwed up twice. The main antagonist in this story is the doorframe itself, which isn’t square. That meant when I cut the screen door the first time, it wouldn’t fit even though I’d measured off the old one. Turned out the old one was not square to fit into the not-square opening. 🤦‍♂️

But it’s working great now. Everyone loves it. Even Zachary, who we just showed over FaceTime when we called him to wish him a happy 20th birthday. 🎂

And that wasn’t all that happened today: Tammy’s Apple Watch challenged her to do 6 outdoor bike rides this month. So we rode our bikes over to Denny’s this morning and had some breakfast to kick the day off.

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