Ridin’ the Loser Cruiser

We are now halfway through Day Two of commuting from Sooke to downtown. So far, it has been a success. Two days in a row, it has taken exactly one hour and four minutes to get into town. It took slightly longer to get home last night, about an hour and ten minutes. The ride in is very pleasant. From Sooke to Colwood, the bus is not very full, and there are few stops. The view is magnificent. Once the bus hits Colwood, though, there are lots more stops. The double-decker never gets full to the point of “Standing Room Only”, but it does get pretty full.

I’m starting to ponder the possibility of bringing my bike on the bus from Sooke to Colwood and then getting off in Colwood and riding from there. It seems to me that if I could do that, I would get lots of exercise and still make it to work in a reasonable amount of time. Will have to think about that.

One Comment

  1. Ahhh, there’s nothing better than getting into the truck after work turning on the A/C, Cranking up the tunes and enjoying the nice drive home. Of course I only get to enjoy this luxury one or two days a week but, it beats riding the bus….:)

    J/K Hey, glad to hear that you guys are settling in well out there and the commute isn’t killing yah…

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