Things are approaching normalcy

The infinite improbability drive (also known as moving) has disengaged. The living room, dining room, kitchen, two bathrooms, master bedroom and TV room are “together”.

The only things lined up for tomorrow are:

  • putting books in the bookshelves

  • hanging pictures

Of course, we will end up doing more stuff than that, but it’s nice to dream… 🙂


  1. Did you find the ‘AMD’ case sticker I stuck to your apple g3? No? Keep looking :p

  2. Augh! Contamination! Must… eradicate… filth… Oh, wait. Did you say ‘AMD’? I thought you said ‘Intel’. AMD’s okay. They’re stickin’ it to the Man in a way that gives me the warm fuzzies. (L) If I didn’t use Mac OS X, I’d definitely be running Linux on an AMD box. Who knows, maybe someday AMD will make chips for Apple.

    The sticker will have to go, but I don’t need to burn it.

  3. Just checking out the picture, glad to hear you guys are getting all settled in, and thanks for the card. Hannah would like me to tell you that she wants to come over and play with the cats.

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