Karate Christmas Concert 2011

Last night was the annual karate Christmas concert at Claremont School. This was going to be extra special because both Simon and Miranda were going to be performing. Unfortunately Simon started feeling off in the late morning and things hadn’t improved by 5p (and after all those extra classes for practice!). Plus Ian has been feeling out of sorts for a few days. So they stayed home while I took Miranda.

It was a good concert full of fancy moves and good yucks, especially that dancing kid, and a pretty high-brow section featuring the adult class doing an Act to The Phantom of the Opera. This year he was doing some sort of hip-hop moves. Last year he was Elvis doing Jailhouse Rock. 😀 Their pre-show video showed what taking the black belt test is like. Gruelling doesn’t begin to describe it. I know I couldn’t cut it. It all lasted just over an hour and it was another full house. All proceeds from ticket sales went to a local charity.

Here are some pics from the show.

After the show Miranda and I went to Superstore to do groceries. It was nice and quiet at 8.30. Mind you we didn’t get on the road home until 9.40. It was the latest I’ve ever been in a grocery store! When we got home everyone was in bed (which I had expected). It turns out Ian went to bed at 7 and Simon at 8.15. That gives you some idea of how they were feeling. Now I just hope Miranda and I don’t come down with it. Christmas is just around the corner.


  1. Lovely picture of Miranda – looking very thoughtful! – Then I noticed the caption below – I’m sure she’ll love that caption when looking back in 20 years time!
    Hope everyone is well. [got it right this time].

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