And now, Bonjour from Québec

Strike another Canadian City off my “haven’t been there” list. I am here for the next four days, teaching the local regional consultants how to use Enterprise Architect.

I think more importantly, this is the first time I’ve been anywhere where the first language is NOT English. A sad commentary on my travelling skills, I know. Makes me wish I’d kept up my high school French. I wonder what a crash session of Duolingo would do to help me out here?



  1. I have an amazing repertoire of French phrases that I can use: "Mon stylo est grand et jaune" is always a crowd-pleaser.

  2. I’ll have to dig out my french-english dictionary. It is officially and antique. …’Probably had it 52 years!!
    ‘Hope you have a good week.

  3. Mom, you might have to update it with useful words like "horseless carriage" and "electric lamp". 😛

  4. Well, I have finished the second day of training! The schedule was that I would teach for two days, and then there would be a day for "workshop": whatever needed to follow on from the training. So now the pressure is off, and tomorrow I won’t be quite so much in the spotlight. The training went well, and I think we have a bunch of people here who will use the new information they’ve been given. Whew!

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