Birthday Sleepover

Just got back from picking up Miranda from Echo’s house.  Yesterday was Echo’s 10th birthday party: swimming then a sleep over.  Initially we said that Miranda was fine to go to both.  Then she had a relapse on Thursday night which had her sleeping on the floor in our upper living room.  Friday wasn’t much better, so we emailed Echo’s mum and said that she’d just stay for swimming and cake.  Miranda was understandably disappointed, but we explained that it wouldn’t be fair to Echo’s mum to have Miranda coughing up a lung (and whatever else she had eaten) while trying to keep track of 1/2 a dozen+ giggling, screaming, girls all night.  I dropped her off at Sir Winston Churchill Pool for the swim and then headed next door to the public library.  I called Deb to make sure Miranda found the gang.  Good thing I did, the pool was closed – closed for contamination (don’t know what kind).  It turned out I didn’t need to drive her and others to the next pool, Foothills, but I did do a pick up and drive back to Echo’s after the swim.  Miranda really liked the pool – it had complimentary shampoo and soap.  😀

I dropped off everyone with the intention of coming back at 7 to get Miranda.  We get a call sometime between 5.30-6 from Miranda practically begging us to let her sleep over.  She hadn’t coughed the entire time she’d been there.  After a bit of discussion with Deb we relented, I packed her kit, and dropped it off.  It turned out she had a few coughs, but nothing major (or so she told us).  I picked her up at 10 and we headed over to Walmart, London Drugs, and the $ stores to try and find a Snowy dog for Ian’s costume.  He wants to be Tintin again.  No little, white, stuffed dogs to be found!  Next stop Value Village then Toys R Us.