Thanks to Mom and Dad for a birthday supper tonight. Last night (my actual birthday) was karate class, so we scheduled the family get-together for tonight. Tammy, Miranda, Ian and I met Stephanie, Evan, Zachary and Brianna and Mom and Dad and Al and Peggy at the Royal Roads Cafe in Colwood just before five. We all had a good meal (I had the halibut and chips, mmmm) and then went back to Mom and Dad’s for coffee and birthday cake. It was a carrot cake, which is one of my absolute favourites. The kids had fun playing together. Miranda and Zachary played a lot of games together, and after a while Ian and Brianna warmed up to each other. They started playing a simple game of hide and seek, where Ian was finding and sometimes chasing Brianna. Ian would call “Brianna, where are you?” and then wander around finding her. It was good fun to watch. The kids made out like bandits: Al and Peggy bought them each some presents. Ian got a fire truck and a story book and Miranda got a little Cabbage Patch dollie and a fairy puzzle book.

Was good fun. Nice to see everybody!

One Comment

  1. May 20/2010 8:25PM….Just for the record – "Happy Birthday Simon"! I hope everyone had a good time at the dinner and cake-after gathering. We certainly did.
    We enjoyed our visit with Peggy & Al. They left for the remainder of their trip up Island on Wednesday about 3PM.
    You’re right about it being like Christmas for the kids – many thanks to Peggy & Al for the gifts for the kids.

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