Busy Saturday, Including A Trip To Kananaskis

Oy vey. It was a busy day today. Now I’m wondering where the energy will come from to write my novel tonight. 🙂

It started early, with an indoor ride on the bike before breakfast. With work as busy as it is, and the trip to Medicine Hat, I’ve gotten precious little exercise in the last week. Then it was outside, and we all worked to rake up the leaves and clean up the gardens. It’s supposed to snow tonight. We did pretty well:

Bags of leaves, etc.
Bags of leaves, etc.

Then it was time to take Ian to piano. Miranda and I went to Racks Unlimited, a store that specializes in bike and roof racks for cars. We need to see about a means to get us to the ski hill this winter. Then, speaking of ski hills, we headed out of town. Part of our discussions about what to do (do we get snow tires for the Mazda, a rack for the Golf, etc.) kept circling around the fact that neither of us had ever been to Nakiska before:

Driving route to Nakiska
Driving route to Nakiska

So we had a driving trip. The weather was great, if a little windy. We were treated to lots of great views.

Heading for the Rockies
Heading for the Rockies

Here was our view of the resort as we left. Not much snow… for the moment.


When we got back we did some grocery shopping, and then put the Christmas lights up outside. Phew. What a day.