First Day of School

I know, in June? Today both Ian and Miranda went to “real” school for the first time. Since I’m planning on going back to work I thought it would be a good idea if the kids got a sneak peek at what going to school was like before they start in September for real. I enrolled them into W.O. Mitchell elementary school for the month of June. Maybe they’ll make some friends, maybe they’ll learn some new stuff, and maybe they’ll just have fun. The main idea is they get used to the routine of school. Miranda goes from 8:55-3.:27 and Ian went from 8:55-11:35. I’m driving them for this month, but we’re considering bussing come September.

Ian had a good time today. It was a little overwhelming with all the kids in his class jabbering at him. They also had a guest speaker and lots of activities. I think as the weeks progresses he’ll get more comfortable.


  1. I hoped their day went well. Each day should be easier when things are more familiar.

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