Happy Canada Day!

Hello to everyone across Canada! Happy Canada Day from Calgary!

For a day that started without any particular purpose, we ended up doing pretty well. We left our house a little after 10, with the goal of taking the C-Train downtown and then seeing what there was to see. We didn’t have any high ambitions, but we ended up being at Shaw Millenium Park in time for the giant living flag (and free T-shirts!), the address by the Premier, etc. Here is a link to the living flag picture Calgary posted to Flickr.

Simon, Miranda and Ian at Shaw Millenium Park
Simon, Miranda and Ian at Shaw Millenium Park

Of course, Ian wasn’t going to be satisfied until he saw the Calgary Tower, so we didn’t stay long. We headed east to Stephen Avenue and had lunch at the Core Mall. The Avenue was packed with people and vendors and performers. Every time the kids had asked, I answered: “Yes, we’ll see the Calgary Tower. No, we won’t go up in it, it will be really busy with all the people for Canada Day.” But when we got there, it really wasn’t that busy. So I had no excuses. $44 later, we were riding the elevator up.

Miranda was the only one too chicken to stand on the glass floor. Ian just ambled out on to it without batting an eye. Tammy was next, and sweating profusely:

Terror sweat
Terror sweat

Looking down
Looking down

I was eventually coerced. Here’s Ian, reassuring Daddy it’s okay.

Simon and Ian
Simon and Ian

It was lots of fun.

Miranda, Tammy and Ian and the Calgary Tower
Miranda, Tammy and Ian and the Calgary Tower

But Ian wanted to leave, because he saw the clock tower at the old City Hall and wanted to see it.

Clock Tower
Clock Tower

Then it was a hot C-Train ride back to the Crowfoot Park ‘n’ Ride and then home for iced coffee (for us) and lemonade (for the kids).


  1. Sounds like you guys had fun. Bri came down with some weird fever (38.7) yesterday so we have been taking it easy today. She felt better today so the kids helped me wash the car. It was slightly overcast so it was not too bad. It sure got hot later. I washed the patio out back and sat down for a rest. There was a bit of a breeze so it was pleasant. Al snuck around the side of the house and soaked me with a water canon. Turkey!

  2. Happy Canada day to you too! Nothing much here too hot! I did some hanging basket gardening, we cleaned the upstairs sundeck, washed some chairs, stools and a table to put up there. Then it was too hot so passed the time indoors. Dad did some taping of the edges in the kitchen in preparation for sanding tomorrow. We talked to Peggy & Al tonight – hotter than blazes there but has cooled down some this evening. All in all a pleasant day! Love, Mom & Dad

  3. It’s supposed to get up to 34 degrees here this afternoon, but cool off rapidly tomorrow and the next day. So I’m not riding my bike today, but I have my doubts that the C-Train will be any more pleasant than the cattle trains to Auschwitz this evening. I might have to sweet talk Tammy into meeting me somewhere. 🙂 (L)

    Sorry that Brianna’s not feeling well. Never fun when the little ones are down and out.

  4. She seems right as rain yesterday. Last night she was a bit warm but nothing like the day before. Really weird. She seems fine today as well. Oh btw she says thank you for the pretty card and is excited to go out and pic a present 🙂 Thankyou

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