I Did It – Rode to Sooke

Almost ten years living out here, and I finally did it: I rode from downtown to Sooke..

I figured I could do it. I have a “long” cycling route that I do occasionally which is 36 km, and I thought the distance from downtown to Sooke was 38 km. Turns out it was 41 km. So 5 km longer than my “long” ride. I was lucky, and the weather was nice. My biggest complaint was that since it was a spur of the moment thing, I had my backpack instead of panniers (saddlebags) to carry my stuff. Having about 16 pounds of stuff on your shoulders really makes a difference. My shoulders started to ache when I was only about halfway home. My sit bones started up around the 30 km mark. I was pretty much exhausted by the time I got home.

So what spurred it on? I was going into the office today, and I wasn’t happy that I would miss out on my regular rides. I started thinking about doing something that I have done in the past: taking my bike on the bus to about the hospital, then getting off and riding downtown, and then reversing it in the evening. But the evening isn’t fun, because I have to wait (probably in the rain) in Colwood for a 61 bus to come by, and there’s a pretty good chance the two bike rack spaces would be full. That then led to the A-HA! moment when I considered the possibility of riding all the way home. So I rushed around this morning and got everything ready.

I would definitely get some pannier bags before I do that again. My shoulders are killing me.


  1. Well, it’s Monday morning now, and I just had my first "normal" morning ride since. Well, I was a fair bit slower this morning. Not entirely surprising, but notable nonetheless. After Saturday morning I wasn’t really that sore anywhere. I did take the time to put the pannier rack on the back of my bike yesterday, so any further distance rides will be accomplished without the weight on my shoulders… assuming I get to a bike shop and buy some actual bags. The old ones that I used when we were riding to work from the Gorge got thrown out years ago when Squeak peed on them.

  2. Oh, I’m fine now. Foot’s not a problem, any more than it normally is. I finally see the doctor on Thursday! 😀

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