Preschool and Kindergarten Advice

I feels too early to be asking about these, but the reality is that Miranda could start Kindergarten in September 2008 because of how her birthday falls.

What I want to know is if there is any advantage to sending her to preschool this coming school year. Of all the parents out there, I would really like your frank opinion about this regardless of if you chose to send or not to send your child(ren) to preschool. Why did you think it was/was not helpful or useful? I’m also intested in knowing at what age your child(ren) started Kindergarten. We have the choice of enrolling Miranda at either 4.75 or 5.75 years old.



  1. Lucy entered daycare at age 3 because I needed to work. There were lots of benefits: she made friends, had fun playing inside and out, learned lots of songs, and learned how to say goodbye to mommy. Preschool is fun! Art, printing, swimming lessons, field trips, fresh air, swings and slides … what’s not to love? It’s like being at a park all day. Childcare workers are amazing people, for the most part, and Lucy did WAY more things at preschool than I ever would have done with her at home.

    That said, kids love being at home. They go to school for so many years, why start early? Most parents are creative, interesting people and can think of lots to do at home with their kids. Playdates with friends give them social interaction and time with other adults.

    I think the bottom line is, neither way will hurt your child. Balance in all things is key: why not try preschool twice a week? Preschool will also give you time alone with baby #2, which I am told is pretty nice.

    Lucy started Kindergarten at 5 years and 4 months. She seemed so little! However, they say that girls are fine starting a little early, whereas boys benefit from a later start. Preschool teachers come in really handy for this — they will give you a very good idea of whether or not your child is ready for kindergarten.

    I do not agree with children doing kindergarten in the daycare setting. Kindergarten is not compulsory, and some daycares offer it. I believe that it is best for the child to start school in kindergarten when all the other children are new as well; then they won’t feel strange being one of the only new kids in grade one.

    Lucy turns six on Thursday the 26th! Wow. So big!

  2. I guess for me you have to define Preschool. Is Preschool something you take your kid to through a school, something privately run (like daycare), or something through the community.

    I went through preschool before I went to Kindergarten and from what I remember it was a blast. A good majority of the friends I met there I retained through Gradeschool.

    I agree that parents have a lot of fun with their children and for me the extra few days with my son are priceless. Having to work all week, any moment I can get with my son is a fantastic feeling.

    The other side of the coin is that Zachary had a great time at the Day course I had enrolled him in at Juan de Fuca Center so I guess it’s a toss up. I think that maybe a few times a week is a good time to get into a rhythm.

    Not a very conducive answer but, it’s something I’ve had rolling around in my head for awhile too…

    Good Luck!

  3. Thank you so far for the input. The Sooke Preschool is an independently run business through the Sooke Family Centre. It’s a coop with parents and a qualified ECE teacher. It can be 2 or 3 mornings a week. Parents help as a teacher’s aid 1-2 times a month plus handle a biz aspect, such as Secretary, Enrollment Officer, etc. There’s a monthly meeting and fundraising activities. A woman at the school district recommended preschool as an intro to the structure kids will experience in Kindergarten. I’m thinking of putting her in so she has the experience of being without me for a few hours a day. It’ll be a good indicator of whethewr she’ll be ready for Kindergarten in 2008 or to wait until 2009. I too went to preschool and had a ball. These days I think it’s a little more structured than just playing and eating snacks. I’m going to drop in tomorrow and talk to the teacher and see what is involved in the curriculum.

  4. Sounds ideal! And you get to be there too sometimes. Actually I enjoyed having nothing to do with daycare/preschool, but I am rather a humbug sometimes …

  5. Sometimes?! 😛 (j/k)

    I think it’s a good idea, though, I’m not sure how demanding it’ll be with a baby.

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