Saturday Morning Ride

Whew! That was tiring. I’ve gotten back from a bike ride. Even though I’ve lived here in Sooke for over nine years now, I can’t say I’ve done a lot of bike riding around here, so picking new routes to try is full of surprises. Driving in the car isn’t the same: I am finding hills that I never knew existed! 🙂

I am still excited about picking up the bike riding on a regular basis. It’s low-impact so my knees and sore foot are liking it too. I’ve got my “minimum” route for my commute when I don’t have a lot of time or the weather’s bad, my longer route for a regular commute and this morning was trying a long route to see the local countryside and stretch my legs. I went around Kemp Lake Road:

Kemp Lake Route
Kemp Lake Route

It was a nice morning, and even though I was riding for 43 minutes, I was only passed by two cars. I stopped an took this photo on the way:

Farm on Kemp Lake Road
Farm on Kemp Lake Road

The climb up Kemp Lake Road after I took this was too much for me at the moment. I had to get off my bike and walk it for about 40 yards to the top of a particularly steep bit. The rest was okay.