Well it looks like it’s up to me to enter a more recent posting here on the ii.

Let’s see, what’s new? We have interviewed three realtors. Well, I interviewed the last one, but she is stopping by tomorrow morning with a market analysis and then Simon will meet her too. Needless to say we haven’t chosen one yet, but it’s down to two. Advice is to either put our place on for early December to catch any looking while the selection is low, or wait until mid-January when it starts to pick up again after Christmas. Funny thing we learned about the Sooke market-it’s best months are Jan-Mar. After that it starts to soften plus the RCMP and Armed Forces get their postings and the market gets swamped with their houses. So I’m busy clearing out stuff inside and packing up for the staging process. Simon’s busy with getting rid of computers and doing the outside work.

As for NaNo you can see we have blasted through the midway mark of 25 000 already. My NaNo stats say if I keep up at this pace I’ll be done anywhere from the 26th-28th. Miranda is a little behind, but that’s ok. It’s her first time and let’s face it, she’s only 6! It’s amazing she has gotten as far as she has. Good for you Miranda. We’re so proud that you’re trying. ❤️


  1. And there’s me, with the epic fail on the "getting rid of computers" part. I’ve managed to jettison a lot, and the plans are in place to reduce the number of computers from eight to two, but when it came to getting rid of my old power mac 7500 (https://biickert.ca/ii/album/…) I just couldn’t do it. It’s like an old friend. It’s old and slow and useless, but it still works, dammit.

    So it’s still here, and we’ll just keep finding a space for it.

  2. I just don’t know where to start now. I want/need to pack books, but I need some liquor store boxes. I also need to scrub baseboards and around heaters, toilets. Bleh! I’d like to get some start on the siding, but the weather is not cooperating.

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