Halloween Count…130

Well, we seem to have survived the onslought of this halloween. It took Evan and I from 9:30 to about 2:30 to set up the halloween stuff out in the yard! Good grief my feet hurt 🙁 It was worth it though. We had about 130 kids and the comments were great! Costumes ranged from a feathered chicken to the Listerine bottle guy! Evan, dressed as the prince of darkness (pic below with Zach as a pumpkin) scowled around the graveyard and scared a few people. Naughty boy scared a 4 year old that went screaming to her mom. Next year only scare big kids huh?

<%image(20061101-halloweennight 002.jpg|500|375|)%><%image(20061101-halloweennight 020.jpg|500|375|)%><%image(20061101-halloweennight 013.jpg|500|375|)%><%image(20061101-halloweennight 025.jpg|500|667|)%>


  1. Wow, that looks great! Now I know why you needed a bunch of your storage space back! 🙂 Looks very spooky.

    Naughty Evan, scaring the little ‘uns. There was one semi-scary house that Miranda went to, and I had to hold her hand all the way to the door. But then just as the people opened the door, the neighbour across the way lit off some fireworks, and Miranda was awestruck, and was completely ignoring the people she was supposed to be trick-or-treating!

  2. Huh. Just thinking about your having 130 kids: I thought at first it was lower than usual for you, but checking in the archives http://ii.homeip.net/index…. shows you had 125 last year. 🙂 Our total was lower by 10: we live on a section of street surrounded by people who don’t answer the door. Methinks I’d have to go all-out to try to attract more to come down as far as our house.

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