Happy Thanksgiving!

Our first major holiday event since our move… and it was a quiet one. Part of the responsibility for that lay at the feet of the get-together we attended next door last night. We didn’t leave until around 11:30. The girls were still having fun playing, but Ian we found sleeping on the couch in their basement. I carried him home, but he was pretty much awake and functional by the time we got his jammies on and his teeth brushed, so he wanted to stay up until the clock said 12:00 and it was officially Sunday. 🙂

It was a nice party, with lots of music. Cynthia is a very talented singer and guitar player (acoustic) and we had a lengthy sing-along session.

So today started a little slowly. While I was up at about 8 and so was Ian, I wasn’t really functional until well after a belated breakfast. 🙂 Miranda played with Thalia and Ellie this afternoon, as Tammy (mostly) and I (somewhat) worked to get our dinner together. It was just the four of us, so there are lots of leftovers. We originally thought that Cynthia and the girls would make it, but they couldn’t.

So a quiet day. Maybe tomorrow we will move some more stuff from the basement area to be developed and put them on the new shelves that Tammy and I made yesterday:

New basement shelves
New basement shelves


It’s Tuesday now, and I thought I’d make a couple of notes about Thanksgiving Monday. First off, the weather was tremendous. It started off at -5 and clear, but by mid-day the temperature climbed into the teens and the kids were out on our driveway, spreading blankets and towels and having a “beach day”. Flying kites by running up and down the street and everything.

In the morning, Tammy and I cleared out the basement in preparation for the measuring fellow who is showing up today. The shelves are all full now, and there are now boxes on the main floor and the top floor again. ☚ī¸ Oh well, it’s only for a little while. Tammy thought she’d have a quiet afternoon, but Cynthia texted her and asked her to come over and help catalog and photograph a bunch of things she wanted to sell. That was code for “clean out the garage”, and they were at it for about three and a half hours. I won’t go into the details, but this is part of the fallout from her and her husband George splitting up a few weeks ago.

Today, Tammy is being a parent supervisor on a field trip that Miranda and Ian are going on to a pumpkin farm. The weather’s staying nice, but it’s supposed to turn tonight. The Regional Manager mentioned snow was on its way tonight when I was saying hello in the coffee room.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving!
    Sounds like you had fun.
    Turkey dinner for us tonight at Bistro Limon in Bucerias:)

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