It’s doesn’t look promising…

Our weekend, that is. Yesterday morning Simon and I were thinking about actually doing something for Date Night. Since my hours have changed at work, Miranda has been “losing” money from not having to babysit Ian until I get home. I decided that Simon and I should have Date Night once a week so she could recoup some of that cash. So far we’ve been able to go on 1 date – waaay back in January. Illness has preempted it since, including last night. We were planning on going to see The Imitation Game. Unfortunately, after the kids came from school yesterday, Miranda curled up on the couch saying it had been a long day. She never does that or says that. She’s usually drawing or reading or something. She was red in the face, hot, and had a headache. Eventually we found out she had received a bump on the head from dodgeball that was significant enough to cause a headache. Great! Was she suffering from concussion or illness or both? She managed to eat supper then lay back down on the couch. I gave her some Tylenol and a bath and she spent the night on the couch. Needless to say we didn’t go out.
This morning she’s a little better, but the fever and headache are still present. Normally I take Ian to piano (12-1), but my lower GI tract still hasn’t resolved itself and I asked Simon to take Ian instead. Besides, today it the Bike Expo at Bow Cycle and Simon wants to go.  (I’m sure he’ll post more about it later today.)  🙂 It was either I take Ian to piano and do my bit of shopping quickly so Simon could have the car or he takes Ian and then they both go to the expo afterwards. I can do the shopping later today.

I’m hoping tomorrow brings better times. We actually got some snow last night.  It’s nothing compared to back East, but it’s better than what we’ve been getting lately (which was nothing).


  1. Mejor mañana…:)

    Fundraiser tonight…hoping for fast sales so we can go for a date night….vino tinto, musica & relax…:)

  2. Nothing much to report from the Bow Cycle Expo. 🙂 Other than there were lots of bikes there, and they all looked really nice. With the snow/slush on the ground, there was no way anyone was going for test rides today. Was a fun little outing after taking Ian to piano.

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