Quiet Easter Monday

Yesterday, it was just the kids and I, because Tammy was back to work. After the intensity of Friday and the frustration followed by intensity of Saturday, it was a deliberately low-key day. We had a few errands to run, so we got those done in the morning. Ian’s still really excited about the Tiguan. It’s just a non-stop flow of questions from the back seat when we’re driving.

Over the course of Sunday and Monday, Miranda and I managed to watch the whole of the Lord of the Rings movies, which is something we haven’t done in a long while. I said “the whole”, but I stopped it just after Aragorn is crowned. Now Miranda and I are going to read the rest of the book from that point. It kills me that Miranda hasn’t ever readย The Scouring of the Shire, which is my favourite part of the book and isn’t in the movies at all.

Also of note was that last night, Tammy, Miranda and I watched the last episode of House, M.D. We started watching last year, or rather I started watching one day when I was under the weather, and then Tammy and Miranda got hooked. It’s been a regular thing for months to watch an episode or two before bedtime, and now we’ve seen them all. It was really good, and I can’t say that it ever “jumped the shark”.

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