Yay! Yay! Yay! Home! Home! Home!

Simon is on his way back home today. ❤️ Just had a call from him saying the flight Edmonton-Kelowna-Victoria has been delayed by about a half hour.
It has been an extraordinarily long week this week without him. It was worse than the last time. I found it very overwhelming. I caught myself gritting my teeth and pulling out my hair a lot. Maybe I should have worn my mouth guard during the day. 😀
I am glad he will be at home for a couple of weeks now before having to go back.


  1. Why didn’t you call?? We thought you may have gone over to see your Dad and Carol.

  2. I don’t know, Mom. It seemed like she had pretty busy days when we talked in the evenings. I think it was just one of those weeks.

    I was going to say, "at least the next trip is only a 1/2 week", but then I remembered that the reason for that is that I’ll be in Vancouver for the first two days of the week and then flying direct to Regina from there… 🙁

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